Discover the benefits of certification for your Medical Wellness facility
Certified Medical Wellness facilities operate under the logo of TÜV Rheinland Group in all communication and marketing measures of the association.
The German Medical Wellness Association e.V. (DMWV) sees itself as the representative of interests for Medical Wellness.
provides consumers with orientation in a market that presents itself as less transparent due to its rapid growth and which easily overwhelms non-medical professionals due to the complexity of its offerings
offers operators, providers and project planners in the Medical Wellness market a forum to bundle their activities and to coordinate current results of research and teaching; this is served by, among other things, the association's own publications as well as seminars and training courses
creates quality standards based on research results from conventional medicine, complementary medicine and salutogenesis, according to which Medical Wellness providers are certified, products are tested and terms in the field of Medical Wellness are protected
handles external communication with political institutions, authorities and associations