DMWV unterstützt IMTJ Awards

The pres­ti­gious IMTJ Awards are wait­ing for you… are you a win­ner? (Inter­na­tion­al Med­ical Trav­el Journal):

Now in our fourth year the IMTJ Med­ical Trav­el Awards are open to any organ­i­sa­tion or indi­vid­ual involved in med­ical trav­el and tourism in any part of the world, no mat­ter how large or small the scale of operation.

“We were able to pro­mote in local press and social media that we had won the award which also helped us to high­light the tech­nol­o­gy we had… the award helped give our com­pa­ny more pres­tige, and of course we can list the award on our media.”

Yolan­da Pick­ett Fer­nan­dez,
Com­mer­cial Direc­tor, IMED Hos­pi­tales, Spain.
Win­ner of “Best use of tech­nol­o­gy in med­ical tourism 2016” at IMTJ 2016 in Madrid.

Our awards are judged by a pan­el of expert inter­na­tion­al judges, cho­sen for their expe­ri­ence in the med­ical tourism sec­tor, who study all the entries sub­mit­ted and rate each sub­mis­sion inde­pen­dent­ly on a pre­de­ter­mined set of criteria.

The IMTJ Med­ical Trav­el Awards will be pre­sent­ed to the win­ners at a gala din­ner host­ed by IMTJ in Opati­ja, Croa­t­ia in April. The Awards cer­e­mo­ny and din­ner will take place on the evening of April 26th 2017 at the Roy­al Hall in the Design Hotel Roy­al, Opati­ja and will be a focal point of the IMTJ Sum­mit as well as a won­der­ful evening for net­work­ing and celebration.

Enter­ing the awards is simple…
1. Review the avail­able cat­e­gories and select the cat­e­gories you qual­i­fy for
2. Read the entry cri­te­ria care­ful­ly and under­stand what is required
3. Reg­is­ter your organ­i­sa­tion with us online
4. Pre­pare your sub­mis­sion doc­u­ment with the help of our hints and tips
5. Sub­mit your entry online and pay the €175 admin fee before the dead­line of Jan­u­ary 15th, 2017
6. Book your place at the IMTJ Med­ical Trav­el Awards Cer­e­mo­ny and Din­ner on April 26th, 2017!

Don’t for­get to check out our hints and tips for prepar­ing your award entry… 

For more information: